Thank you to all those who came and visited our stand at AusRail in Sydney last week. We had great conversations with visitors, delegates and other exhibitors at the show. It was an informative and worthwhile experience for us to help keep up to date with the advances in technology and forward thinking in the Rail Industry.
We had three of our Rail Maintenance Attachments on display; the Mini Bullant, the Lightweight Tamper No.2 and the Heavy Duty Rail Threader. It was great to be able to have our products for people to see as all three Attachments have been customised to suit customer requirements.
The team have been completing plenty of Turn Key S Series Machines with Rail Maintenance Attachments over the last couple of month. These machines leave Rail Ready and by Harrybilt holding stock Rail Machines, it allows our customers to receive their Excavator with a quick turnaround.
Congratulations to three of our employees; Gabrel, Henry and Tonton on their one year anniversary at Harrybilt Engineering! They travelled to Victoria from the Philippines and we would like to thank them for their commitment, passion and great attitude towards their work.